
Choosing your life partner is also choosing your future.

Choosing your life partner is also choosing your future.


Choosing your life partner is also choosing your future. @Mr Modhu

Tips to choose the right life partner

There comes a time when every man or woman stands face-to-face with the challenge of finding a companion. It may happen early or later in life, but whenever you choose to marry, make sure you choose carefully. If you're also in search of someone 'marriage material', it will do you good to know some parameters on how to choose the right life partner. While we agree that a person doesn't always remain the same, there are some basic checks you must do for a personality check. This is the least you can do to reduce the likelihood of landing in a toxic relationship or unhappy married life.

1. Looks aren't everything

Yes, everyone likes a handsome husband or partner, but that can't be the be all and end all. Don't plainly go by looks. Remember, 'All that glitters is not gold'! So, when you are looking at the qualities that a perfect life partner should have, look at the overall picture - the personality, the compatibility, the mental wavelength, the similarities, dissimilarities and ideologies. What's the point of a dashing man if he indulges in verbal bashing? So, make a prudent choice.


2. Decode the behavior

Long gone are the days that you met your groom after marriage. Use the time period to know your partner optimally. Make sure you get enough time to spend with them to understand their everyday habits. The more time you share together, the deeper will be your understanding about how he or she behaves with you and everybody else around you. This will help you make the right choice about a life partner and set the foundation for a healthy companionship.

3. Watch the etiquette and basic nature

A person's basic nature never changes. Whether he is calm, angry, dominating, dismissive, passionate, chivalrous, confident or not, are things you should keep an eye on. Pay attention to details during your conversations. See if he asks you about your opinion on a place or menu, how he may behave with restaurant staff, or even you, see how he eats and talks. You need not feel like a detective but only a person married to someone who makes noise while eating can tell you how annoying it can get later in life!

The more you observe, the better it will be for you to choose the right life partner. And don't just keep this for your first meeting, because that's when they will be at their best behavior. Look for consistency or the lack of it in how the person behaves, before taking a call.

4. Find a connect

Striking the right connection with a person who you have to spend your life with is extremely important. You should not have to force conversations with this person. Whether it is food, music, travel, news or views, there should be something that should help you connect. Besides, a healthy relationship is one where both partners are not fearful of expressing their opinions. Communication is the very foundation of a happy relationship.


5. Weigh your similarities and dissimilarities

Haven't we heard, "opposites attract". Well, when you choose a right life partner, just make sure you aren't so different that you stop connecting later in life. Yet, if you're too similar, that can also spell trouble for the relationship. A marriage should be like fire and ice - if one flares up, the other should douse it. Having some things in common too is good because those are the things you can enjoy together.

Also read: What happens when you’re vegan, and your partner is not?

6. Don't miss the IQ

The intelligence quotient is an important factor to consider when you're choosing a perfect life partner. And by that, we don't mean to say that you check their academic and career record. Well, feel free to do that because financial security is a huge part of marriage, but try not to choose a partner who tries to make you feel like a lesser being in any way. Anyone remotely intelligent will be wiser about it! On another note, you should focus on your own financial independence.

7. Avoid choosing a partner with a stark difference in standard of living

Marriage is said to be a union of families rather than two people. You've got to realize that marriage is not just for a few rosy days of the honeymoon period. It's (mostly) a lifelong matter. So, be wise about the family background and standing of the person. Whether you go into a lower income family or a higher income family, you may face similar challenges in adjusting. If, however, you are ready to take the plunge and your partner is supportive, no matter what, the call should be yours to take!

8. Respect is paramount

All said and done, you can weigh your options all you want, but if a relationship lacks respect, it's as good as a death trap. You will end up feeling stifled and suffocated. Respect for you, your family, your choices, your ideologies, your priorities are all an important aspect of surviving a marriage. Just never make the choice to be with anyone who looks down upon you because that's not one of the good qualities of a life partner.

9. What's the rush?

Hasty decisions may tend to go wrong. But we're in a country where the 'marriageable age' is given undue emphasis. Often, people end up getting stuck in unhappy marriages due to family pressure. There is no hurry to make a decision because marriage, as we said, can be a life-changing decision. Avoid saying "yes" till you are sure he's the ONE!


What questions can reveal if you and your partner have a future together?

We are often stuck in relationships with the thought of whether we will end up with our partner or not. The concern for the future stops us from living in the present. The moments we enjoy now are often overshadowed by the thoughts looming over us about the future. After all, relationships and marriage are a big part of our life. The thought of ending up alone can be the scariest thing for a person.It is this time when thoughts about the future about whether you will end up with your partner or not will trouble you most of the time.

 A sense of anxiousness or stress might settle over your head and will force you to rethink your decisions.And sometimes, asking the right questions will give you the answer you are looking for. Let’s take a look at the questions you should ask yourself to know if you and your partner have a future together or not.

Do you both make each other a better person?Your partner should motivate you to be a better person. Being with them should encourage you to improve yourself in all aspects.

Are you both comfortable with expressing feelings?Communication is a very important field in relationships. To be able to comfortably communicate with your partner is very important and if your partner does that, they may be the one.

Do you both try to change each other?Accepting your partner’s flaws and loving them for who they are is the right way to go. You both should be able to accept each other’s imperfections and not focus on changing them.

Can you both lean on each for support?Supporting each other’s decisions and having each other’s back is all that two soulmates need from each other. If your partner supports you in your ventures and major decisions, then they might be the one.

Can you both disagree or fight without turning against each other?Fights are quite normal in a relationship. In fact, fighting is healthy. But the day it turns out ugly and you both turn against each other, that’s when your relationship might doom.

Can you both stand up for each other?You and your partner should be able to stand up for each other in front of the most difficult situations.

Choose Perfect Men's Luxury Undershirts 


Business,Fashion & Cosmetics Today, men no longer stay back on fashion than women and the definition of modern is no longer limited to the standard of white shirts. Undershirts are prevailing as one of the most fashionable items in men’s life. Adding extra charm to the fashion, these are designed to reveal muscularity while comfort at the same time in order to feel maximum comfortable. Generally, a men’s dress shirt is common in every men’s wardrobe; they can be elegant and casual to give an extra touch to the personality. At the present time, men’s luxury undershirts are used as the component of fashion that are flaunting the wardrobe. Various manufacturers design these with different features such as absorbent cloth, cool to be worn and ready to wear beneath the suit. 

As these apparel have direct contact to skin, producers are very keen to maximize the health options by lessening the negative impact on the skin and wearing shirts on it will eventually become fashionable. According to experts, the collar defined a lot of things regarding men’s wear but the underwear never needed them. This is the reason designers owe these with V shape which not only reveal the muscularity but also fill courage to achieve something. Just take an instance for a common function, you will join them while wearing a "V" shaped gorgeous underwear and the gathering will peak at you with the word “wow”. This is the moment that will elevate your excitement to a new level while you'll be full with positivity. 

Men’s undershirts are available in various features not only to reveal your personality but also to make your wearing comfortable that you won’t get from others. It is true that designs may vary according to different manufacturers but materials are almost the same. So it is possible that you’ll get almost the same charm from the different undershirts for men. When you are going to buy these undershirts, you needn’t to worry about the colors as these can be worn under shirts, whatever color that you match need for you just choose the same. Second thing is to choose the material that you are going to use, cotton broadcloths are a common choice and can be suitable for a considering price. If you will choose polyester or some cheap materials, then these are not going to cater the right comfort. 

As underwear directly contacts skin, you shouldn’t consider the cheap option. Also cheap materials are the sole cause of various skin infections that are leading to a huge health issue. If you are searching for the right supplier for these men's luxury undershirts, just browse the internet and find out the perfect supplier who will provide you with all the requirements. Overall these features are combined with a great price and have become the future of Men's Luxury Undershirts, Undershirts for Men.For more information and purchasing details, visit

What qualities are you looking for in an ideal?

9 Qualities You Need to Look for in a Business Coach

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Every entrepreneur needs a coach, because the fastest way to learn any business is to study someone who has been successful at it. This person has already paid the price of experience. You must absorb all of the information that you can out of him or her!

Over the years, I've met many people who desperately want to be successful but who are ultimately unwilling to invest in themselves. They think, "I can teach myself. I can learn this on my own." I'm always dumbfounded by this attitude. If I can avoid making a few mistakes, I'm going to.

Our whole lives are about learning. When we're young, we attend school. If we're lucky, our parents impart a few important lessons. If you've ever played sports, you've had a coach. Education is king. In the long run, finding the right mentor will save you time and money.

Related: How to Make the Most of Your Business Mentorship

However, it goes without saying that some coaches are better than others. There are so many people these days offering their services to entrepreneurs online. Before you leap into a new relationship, take some time to get to know a potential coach. The following qualities are what you should be looking for.

1. Experience

The number-one thing to look for on someone's resume is his or her experience. What exactly have they accomplished? Is it what you want to accomplish? Your coach must have walked the walk.

I feel strongly about this. Find someone that has truly paid their dues and can speak to their real-life experiences. Ideally, this person will have failed and succeeded. Their insight will help you avoid making costly mistakes and increase your chance of success immensely.

The devil is in the details. Ask for testimonials. What are former mentees saying about him or her? Is what's being said personal and detailed? Always remember to Google for complaints as well.

2. Attitude

In my experience, having a great attitude comes with time and experience. The right coach will have been through it all -- and come out the other side knowing a sense of humor goes a long way in business. They are able to see the big picture. They understand it's all a numbers game. They don't get too upset. An ideal coach is very patient, but also persistent and determined.

3. Willing to share

A great coach is willing to share all of his or her experiences with you -- the good and the bad. Do you get the feeling this person is holding back? That's not a good sign. You'll learn the most from someone who is willing to be radically transparent.

4. Expertise in their field

Does your potential coach regularly give lectures? Has he or she written a book? Do reporters interview him or her? It's impossible to be everything to everyone, and nor is it desirable. If this person offers a long list of services, exercise caution.

Related: 7 Surprising Truths About Mentors

5. Accessibility

You must be able to reach your coach. A good coach will be willing to customize a program for you, because they know one size doesn't fit all. Does this person care about your problems and concerns? Specifically ask them how much time they have to offer you. What is their schedule and availability like? How many other projects and commitments do they have? Discuss these very important details up front.

6. Connections

A great coach will have long standing relationships with people who could benefit you. 

Ask him or her if they're willing to open doors for you. Sometimes, it is about who you know.

7. Expectations

Ask your coach what they expect from you. A good coach will keep you accountable. They will outline what they need from you, time and action wise. If they don't ask how much you're capable of, that's a red flag. I would never take on a mentee who told me he or she didn't have as much time as I thought they should dedicate to a project.

8. A love of teaching

Teaching is a skill that people get better at over time. Good mentors love to help other people. They enjoy the act of teaching. How a potential coach treats you from the very beginning of your interactions is a good indicator of how he or she will act over time. Are they late to the first appointment you set up? That's not a good sign. You need a coach who is considerate of your time.

9. Holds you accountable

A great coach will not simply let you disappear. Yes, things get in the way. But he or she cares about how you're doing.

If you're lucky enough to find a coach that you vibe with, as I have, you will make a great friend for life. They will enjoy sharing in your success and feeling like they were part of it.


Finding the perfect partner for your digital transformation

Digital transformation can be complex and challenging. Many consider it a strategic imperative, but interpreting its execution varies widely. For some, this has meant updating old legacy systems, removing reliance on Excel spreadsheets, or buying off-the-shelf solutions to replace manual, paper-based processes. It may be that the definition of a successful digital transformation will evolve as the industry landscape changes.

I have worked for a number of different retailers. Rightly so, they have all had digital as a key strategic component, often alongside things such as range-and-offer, customer experience, team engagement, leadership development and cost optimisation. Sound familiar? The digital transformation journey varies, depending on an organization’s needs, leading to retailers sometimes onboarding it without having a clear goal in mind. Instead, digital transformation becomes more of an intent, which often lacks a clear roadmap with milestones and a good understanding of the destination.  

The pace of digitally enabled change is ever-increasing, spawning new tech solutions and developments. But, coupled with rapidly changing consumer demands following Brexit, the Covid-19 pandemic, cost pressures due to inflation, and the conflict in Ukraine, it’s even more important to be clear about where you’re going. Yet, it’s equally crucial to remain agile to stay ahead of customer expectations and the competition. 

Many businesses now view digital transformation in much the same way as they should approach people development: as an enabler for the business to operate more efficiently and improve the customer experience over time. What this should look like will not always be clear. The shape digital transformation will take can vary hugely, depending on the type of sector and a business’s level of digital maturity. 

There are so many solution providers offering off-the-shelf products, and for some retailers these can be appealing. Such providers bring expertise and experience in solving specific pain points, and there’s a level of comfort in being a “fast follower” and doing what others have already done. “Steal with pride,” as they say, and that may work for some.

Nevertheless, off-the-shelf products aren’t always a one-size-fits-all solution. 

More businesses today are using partnerships to solve business issues or add new channels, whether that is bringing in complimentary offerings or services using concessions, or a delivery partner. This can carry its own challenges when it comes to system integration and the need to be efficient and keep costs under control to ensure the partnership is a win-win for both parties. This approach can also add complexity to an already complex business model. The retail, hospitality and leisure industries have been particularly hard hit and have arguably had to adapt the quickest over the past two years. Balancing costs, customer experience, online/offline trading and keeping staff and customers happy have been at the forefront of their minds. 

In addition to finding new physical trading partners, service sector businesses are turning to bespoke software solution partners that can support part or all of their digital transformation journey. There are many reasons to take such an approach. It may be that the business doesn’t have the full internal capability to build or deliver its own digital transformation, and needs support for individual projects.

A partnership approach can be extremely helpful: having a partner to provide consulting advice and bounce ideas off can be valuable when it comes to tackling a broad set of operational challenges. The partner can also suggest ways to optimize your digital transformation strategy by sharing resources or expertise. They are often licensed providers for the likes of Microsoft and Mendix, and can therefore help choose what’s right for the business based on current relationships. Partners can be flexible enough to work alongside internal teams or existing partners, as often they have their own partner networks. 

Here are some of the most common challenges I see retail and brand organizations facing today:

Legacy systems replacement – updating payroll, forecasting and replenishment, intranets, supplier portals

Legacy process optimisation – for example, replacing Excel and paper-based activities; exploring low-code solutions, power applications and the optimum use of cloud services

Online/offline (omnichannel) – quick fixes that were put in place during the pandemic that now need refining or improving

Sustainability agendas – digital solutions that can support service providers by providing tools to reduce waste and the use of packaging as well as track the product life cycle

Labor optimization – tools and solutions to support the right people at the right place and the right time that can be built to suit and support team engagement and communication, or to organize tasks digitally.


Offer and product – for example, store and ranging design, customer personalisation, loyalty programmes, pricing and promotions, right product, right location, right volume; tools that can be created to support any customer-facing need, including the use of artificial intelligence and augmented reality.


Data management and 24/7 support services – these are becoming essential for businesses that now operate online and offline and across multiple time zones. 

If you have a broad digital transformation strategy, deciding whether to partner or buy several off-the-shelf solutions will need careful consideration. Either way, having a trusted credible partner or multiple partners with the experience and expertise to support you along your journey will be invaluable in helping your business thrive in the future. Such a partnership can also enable you to get a clear view of your digital transformation strategy, helping you to stay on track to meet your goals. 


What is the best way to choose a life partner?

How to Choose the Best Chiropractor in Malvern


Health,Advice,Fitness Before starting chiropractic cure, it is an excellent idea to organize a meeting or request for an in-office discussion to learn more regarding the chiropractor, the clinic, and the practice offered. Sometimes, the chiropractor will request a private consultation to discuss such details. For most people looking for chiropractic care, it is significant to feel relaxed and have an excellent association with the chiropractor and the clinic. 

This can go an extended way in gaining a helpful treatment experience. Consider the things that would make you feel most relaxed and utilize these as part of your judgment. This might mean how long you have to wait for appointments, how simple it is to get hold of your chiropractor or the site of the clinic. Sometimes it is very hard for people to decide the most effective chiropractor to assist their condition. Looking at an ad in a paper or Yellow Pages will not get you the top chiropractor in your locale. 

Yellow Pages are out of date in this day and age - no one is using them any longer. Going on the Internet is the most excellent choice because it has a Camberwell Chiropractor directory so you can find the most excellent local chiropractor's office in Camber well. Here are some tips to consider while searching for a Chiropractor: Make a list of what kind of chiropractor you are seeking or by the kind injury or pain that you are having. You need to take the time to do an adequate search for numerous doctors prior to you going in for any conference. Obtaining a personal reference from an individual you recognize and trust is the most excellent way of locating an appropriate chiropractor who will do a grand job for you. It really is most effective to get recommendations from family, co-workers, friends, & even neighbors - talk to them about their knowledge with that chiropractor. 

They might have visited a chiropractor themselves too! Reputation If you hear concerning a chiropractor being suggested by a friend or relatives member, that's a good sign. The majority of excellent chiropractors don't have to advertise as they have built up an outstanding reputation from their previous and current customers. This is the best sign that you have found an excellent chiropractor. Chiropractic Techniques Diverse chiropractors employ different techniques so it is significant to know what they focus on before choosing to work with one. 

The right treatment in the right place If you have a difficulty with a particular area of your back, then that is the region that must be treated. Be wary of chiropractors that suggest that you have a cure in a part of your back that you have no problems with. In this case, it's better to look for a second opinion. An expert chiropractor focuses on a specific area like several chiropractors are excellent at treating sports injuries while others handle the nutrition part only. For instance, the pediatric chiropractor might help the kid in overcoming medical conditions like asthma, bed wetting, colic, problem sleeping, etc. 

Chiropractors generally need to get a particular training to become an expert Malvern Chiropractor that is particularly designed for the chiropractors who are eager to work in a particular field. A range of chiropractic colleges is accessible for the students who desire to do specialization in a particular field.

Thanks for reading the full article.

Thanks to:------
Mawdud Ahmed Modhu (Mr. Modhu)
@অদৃশ্য কাব্য

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