
Most Popular and Valuable Love and Life Quote Part-01. 100+Most Popular and Valuable Socials Quote.

Most Popular and Valuable Love and Life Quote,  MrModhu.Com

Most Popular and Valuable Love and Life Quote. Most Popular and Valuable Quote.
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Most Popular and Valuable Love and Life Quote,  MrModhu.Com

One day walking on the street from a light procession..

Beloved, you become a bullet and get stuck in my chest.

One day I will evaporate, evaporate into the sky.

I will touch you in the guise of rain.

One day in the afternoon in the rain, you will remember everything

The familiar pain of being left unspoken.

I am always in good shape.

So, no one can see my wound.

People sometimes get too much cost,

Even if it doesn't actually die, it dies inside.

They are afraid to dream.

Whose dreams have been broken perfectly by someone with great care.

If someone wants to leave, it is better to show him the way.

Otherwise, he will take you down the street one day.

A person who leaves you for a small mistake may be forgiven.

But he cannot be loved the second time.

People with aquatic eyes know that water is rough.

Sad people, or people sad??

Here I am, as I was alone before,

Who said it takes a person to survive?

You should rather give it to him, with whom you have intercourse.

Burn my fagun with fire, I will put the ashes in a bottle.

My heart burns for you, who will I say?

What did you find in the gap between burning and drowning!

People as much as they like-

In fact, not so much!

War can be stopped by peace treaty.

But who will not be - he can not be kept in a hundred modesty!

He who knows nothing is the happiest in this world.

Life becomes complicated when you understand more about the world.

The heart is full of love and tiredness.

When the person on the other end can overcome Maya from you.

Indulging a lie,

People tell a thousand lies.

He who listens to your bitter words and remains silent is not helpless.

Rather, it is the identity of the education given by his parents.

If I knew we didn't die,

Then the world never looked so beautiful.

The city of love now smells of interest,

The taste of true friendship here is no longer found!

The darkness without you is so deep that

The light of happiness could never reach me by crossing it.

A ban should be imposed on false acts of love.

Or else the custom of false relations should be removed.

My sad story whose heart did not fail.

Let not the news of my death reach their ears.

That man is not mine.

One who burns the mind for his own interests. Alternative loved ones survive.

May you see me, but not speak.

Because of the poisonous intoxication of Maya, no more births.

Washing coal does not remove dirt, just like some people

Nature and character never change!!!

Toxic city people say emotion has no price.

But look at the news, the conscience of the emotionless people has nothing to say.

Unscrupulous people always bully conscience.

Some people kill people with words and ask for forgiveness.

If you want to live well in this city. You have to have the ability to forget.

And the people who can learn to live in the city of false illusion live happily.

The sorrows are buried in the mind. People only know how to hurt.

Who keeps the news of who's mind. I will think that the pain of the mind is given.

Unscrupulous people are happy to burn the hearts of others.

Some people are committed. Just to make the moment beautiful.

As long as you are silent, you are the apple of everyone's eyes.

See how many enemies are born just by telling the truth on the face.

The girl who knowingly lives with a bigoted husband, and tolerates everything-

Silently, she also became pregnant one day! That's the compromise.

All the people gathered to pray for rain in severe drought,

A boy joins in with an umbrella - that's faith.

The boy who used to spend a lot every day,

The cost of his hands is now very insignificant - this is destiny.

A girl who changes from one man to another,

Life is the name of seeing society through his cursed eyes - this is degradation.

In whose house the festival lasts for twelve months,

And the mother lives in a nursing home - that's poverty.

Ignoring the lustful gaze of the office boss,

The girl who survives the world is the real brave.

The man who returns home without bothering to open his wife's bra,

Hugs her and asks how are you - that's love.

In the morning, 1 newspaper is sold for 10 taka.

In the afternoon, his kg is 10 taka! Only a matter of time.

A man is the greatest stranger to himself.

However, how busy he is to be known to others.

Even if the killing is prevented.

People cannot prevent suicide.

Mental disorders kill people every day.

Time teaches people to know people,

But even though time passes, what happens in life-

Moments remain as memories.

People promise only-

To make the moment of speaking beautiful,

When that moment passes, people forget everything.

Some regrets remain in life.

The regret of never being able to keep a loved one.

And sometimes the regret of waiting unnecessarily for that lost person.

Some setbacks provide motivation to move forward.

To turn yourself upside down and move forward-

May those imperfections remain with us.

If someone is lost, he can be found.

But people who are deliberately changed to extremes—

Can never be found!!

Some things have to be said with a little thought.

It suddenly came to my face, and I said - it's not like that.

Where there is no need to speak, it is better to be silent.

Try to keep calm in all bad times,

A man who can keep himself calm in all situations,

Half of his life problems are solved.

How much trouble with some breaths,

The sorrow of loss hides the pain of no more-

No one knows that except his creator.

Do not tell anyone about your sadness.

Because hearing sad stories,

Maybe he will express his sorrow in front of you.

But you will criticize behind your back.

Being good and keeping good are two completely different words.

Because I give the responsibility of keeping myself good to other people.

And we are not responsible for keeping others good.

If you have a headache, you have to take medicine to cure the headache.

Similarly, if a problem arises in a relationship, the problem must be solved.

Relationships don't have to break up.

People with distorted brains may be his love

To mess with people.

Because a healthy person knows how to love, that is the beauty of his mind.

The cries of this city do not reach the ears of love,

Change the address of the relationship before this. Live in the green eyes of the Internet

Dead bodies seek, broken souls seek beds of earth.

Ghor, illusion, delusion, these things are very dangerous!!!

It slowly destroys people from the inside.

Yet people cannot get out of the shackles of these words.

There is no greater teacher than time

No one can force you to learn anything--

Which you will learn step by step from 'Time'

To understand someone, don't go near him.

Distance is the main medium for understanding.

It is more applicable to women!!

Women are best seen from a distance.

Women can never be seen from close!

Only the body, which is secondary and impermanent, is visible up close.

Any person is beautiful from afar.

As soon as you get closer, you can see the details.

And the interest is lost, and the beauty begins to decrease!

Loves are best enjoyed from afar.

The world of thought is arranged by those who

Real life is messy for them.

Seen with white eyes, everything is fine!

Nothing is really right.

Rules are probably made to break!

Sometimes breaking a rule or two isn't too bad!

I break the rules, I break them on purpose.

I like to break the rules.

The woman who holds the hand of the beloved man.

Women who leave with excuses,

How to understand the taste of that fullness!!

Do not hate him, do not pray!

The one who left, left with all history of rights deleted.

He is not mine! However, I will never forgive him.

Most of the people in the world want to be together without being good.

Some people love, but cannot be together.

This equation is very complex.

Don't give up, today may be difficult.

The next day may be more difficult.

But the next day will see the new light.

Neither friendship nor enmity should be made with a bad person.

Because coal burns hands when hot,

And when it cools down, ink is applied to the hands.

that is lost at will,

He can never be found!

But we forget ourselves,

Looking for that person.

Beautiful use your savings.

which sometimes

More benefits than money.

Insults are like polythene.

buried under the ground,

But does not rot.

Get hurt, get hurt you get-

Become the first full moon of Falgun!

Don't spoil yourself though...

Making decisions in anger

And happy hour to someone-

No promises should be made….

Be happy because everything in life will go on,

Sometimes a loved one will go away,

Sometimes it will become your own.

When life throws you a tough challenge,

Then don't ask "Why me?"

Instead, say with a smile, "I can do it."

Don't marry your daughter for job and money!

Do you think the boy is human?

Because the girl does not die for rice clothes! Die inhuman torture!'.

When oil science and foot licking are professions,

Then the honest and worthy are deprived.

And the country's society goes to the possession of the corrupt.

Be patient. Time never cheats.

The biggest challenge is being able to stand against the current.

Not everyone can do it.

The one who loses understands that the rest are just looking for stories.

The pain of loss can be forgotten.

But the pain of loss is intense pain.

Don't blame others for your disappointment!

Instead, blame yourself.

To extrapolate from others.

If you understand dear,

I understood after being extremely deceived by you.

There is no such thing as loyalty in this town.

If not, why will people believe?

Everyone can't wipe away sadness with tears.

Or "suffocating pain".

The word was not written anywhere in the world.

Cheating a person by pretending to love.

Who has made you a dear person.

Remember that nature's account will pay back with heavy interest.

Never underestimate yourself, or your own soul will die.

And when the soul dies, people forget to dream.

And people can never live without dreams.

If someone is hurt by you and tolerates everything silently.

But be afraid of his silence.

Because he is judging nature, and nature's judgment is very terrible.

Every man needs a critic, an admirer.

Critic will help correct mistakes,

Appreciator will encourage good deeds.

"Man's character is a shop

And the face is locked. being locked

If you open the lock, you will know whether it is a gold shop or a coal shop.”

If you understand dear,

One day you'll want to be mine

But on that day your asking will have no value.

We have many illusions for some people.

He is so infatuated with her that,

Then I don't feel so much love for myself.

We can't hold anyone even after hundreds of cares.

And to some one, in spite of a hundred neglects—

The whole life stays by the side.

Competition has increased so much that

If you say sorry to someone -

He recites fourfold.

Favorite things in life

Maybe expensive, or prohibitive,

Maybe illegal, or someone else's.

Make your own mistakes, learn by yourself.

Smile again at the end of the day,

I love myself very much.

Even if I forgive you,

Time will not forgive you.

Time will return everything to you.

Sometimes even after knowing the whole truth,

It is necessary to listen to the silent lie too.

To see how much drama some people are making.

Never forget that,

While everyone was making excuses-

Who helped you then?

No one is less than another.

The idea of more or less beautiful-unbeautiful merit-disqualification-

Only in our view.

Loneliness does not mean being alone;

Loneliness means that even after having one's company,

You feel lonely.

The illusion of the house is gone, outside pulls me in my mind.

Rangila falls in two strokes, my life does not live.

I don't miss the one I love.

Not being with someone doesn't mean you're lonely.

When even after having your own company - you feel lonely,

Only then are you alone.

The worst loneliness is not liking yourself.

Even the self so loved sometimes feels unbearable.

What about blaming others there?

In the lonely night when no one is there,

Then accompany yourself. A silent night is never completely silent,

There is still a burning sound in the chest.

A right decision doubles your confidence.

And one wrong decision doubles your experience..

So whatever your situation is, don't worry

To survive in this selfish world,

You have to be tough.

Gotta hold your ground,

Above all, you have to live for yourself.

We give him time.

Who does not understand the value of time.

We remember him for one lifetime.

Who does not understand our importance.

How strange isn't it?

Out of 84 million living beings on earth, humans are the only ones who earn money.

But no other animal on earth dies without eating.

And people's stomachs are never full.

If you get on the wrong train,

Then get down at the next station.

Because as distance increases,

The pain of your return will be greater!

If something is missing from your life,

Don't regret it.

It will know that something better instead,

waiting for you

The greatest mantra of life is,

Sometimes your secret-

Don't share with anyone….

It can destroy you.

I dare not forget you,

No right to retain

love you only because

Love doesn't need permission.

As good times go,

Bad times also pass like that.

All it takes is a little confidence and patience.

There is no shortage of people in this world, there is a shortage of humanity.

There is no shortage of good looks, no shortage of people with good character.

There is no shortage of educated people, there is a shortage of well-educated people.

When you want something badly, you will not get it.

Therefore leave this request lightly,

If it is for you, you will definitely get it!

Those who see wrong and leave,

They actually come to stay well.

And those who correct the mistake and stand by,

They love it!

Teacher:- Say we have mother tongue,

But why not mother tongue?

Student:- Because mother talks so much that,

Father does not get a chance to speak!

The smell of blind love is strong.

The fragrance of fake love is strong.

Angry at true love Laughter at fake love.

You will understand the day you look for him whom you lost in negligence.

If you can't forget even when you forget,

But come back to me at the end of the day,

I will love you again.

Otherwise, the mistake will increase a little more.

Comparison is not with others!

The real comparison is, self with self.

to one's heart's content,

The joy of doing something is different.

Every silence has its own sound.

Every word has an inflection.

What I could say without saying,

I could never understand it.

Loneliness teaches people to live

Loneliness teaches people to understand

Loneliness teaches people silence

Loneliness makes people know...

The question on the first day was, "Do you agree?"

The question on the last day was "Is it the end today?"

There was a spring in a 'yes', a flutter in the chest

And on another 'yes' the rain came, extinguishing the fire.

Can I know what you are doing? Out of sight??

I understand, it will be very bad if you stand in front?

May be, special you-though invisible you.

But suddenly come say!

"Do you hear?---this is me".

Am I the hunter, or your victim?

Who am I, who am I, whose?

One day I'm good, two days I'm calm.

Are you the hunter, or my prey?

Who are you, who are you, whose?

You love one time, scold two times.

As long as no one is a stranger to you,

Till then your relationship with him will be good.

Once the person gets to know you,

Then your relationship with him will continue to deteriorate.

You will be most deceived by people close to you.

If you list the people who hurt you the most, there are no enemies.

You will see the names of friends.

An enemy is never a traitor.

Only friends betray.

You can understand the pain of wanting something but not getting it.

But you don't know what you really want!

And that's why the sum of your income is zero!

It is not possible to explain the pain of such a situation to anyone...!!

No one else understands, but the creator understands.

He knows what is in your heart!

So don't be disappointed, keep praying to Almighty Allah, keep asking.

He will restore your peace of mind.

Just wait patiently.

If you notice, you will see that before going clockwise,

Goes to the left first with a slight tremor.

Human life is like that. As he moves forward,

Every now and then a slight tremor came,

It will remind him of the old people left behind!

Not based on good looks, but good mindset

A man becomes perfect.

This perfect person does not come in everyone's life.

Because we fall in love with the wrong people.

And I always make mistakes in knowing the right people.

The opponent in the war is the person close to you.

You will definitely lose that battle.

To plan to attack the external enemy.

You can be careful.

And the close people will hit your weak point.

As long as you win in life-

Until then, there will be no shortage of applause.

But if you lose then to catch up,

Getting a hand is also difficult.

don't be afraid believe in yourself

You will rise again.

People spend most of their time, touching the hearts of others.

But, he forgets there is nothing else.

All that is, is within one's heart.

You just have to know how to pick it up.

Women are a mysterious character!

How can he be silent even in the middle of laughter,

He will hide his upset-

You will never understand it!

I am a two-penny lover.

I can walk for miles with you!

I can take a big rickshaw and go around for a while!

A sure life I thee,

I can never pay!!

The first condition to talk to Mayawati is,,,,

Do not look into their eyes.

To look is to step into the trap.

Their eyes contain a kind of 'soft' chemical.

As soon as I saw it, I wanted to tell the story of breaking the hopes and dreams of life.

There is nothing wrong with that! It's chemical.

Just what to stop falling in love!

How many other things in life do the baran keep his account.

Seeing how many twilights are fading away in silence, the prohibition to hold back!

Never touch the rain! Avoid being swept away!

I don't know what the touch of destiny feels like.

I have never heard the beat of his heart with my own ears.

Never dared to get lost in the endless waves of her hair.

And his lips, learned to feel only by realizing,,,that too in dreams.

If someone thinks bad of me, I don't mind.

One person can never be loved by all.

I follow my own path, with my conscience.

He who knows himself will know me.

When someone threw mud at me while walking on the street,

I slowly wipe the mud from my body and walk on my way.

If you want, you can throw mud against mud,

But that only increases the amount of dirtiness, nothing more.

Only he who spends most of his life in error, seeks righteousness.

Just as darkness is opposed to light, "right" is opposed to wrong.

If you are wrong, then you will see what is right Without error, purity cannot be found.

Any achievement in science is made after a thousand mistakes.

The whole world does not light up at the same time, nor does it get dark at the same time.

Light on one side, darkness on the other. Darkness on one side, light on the other.

Same with life, after darkness comes light.

Donkeys do the hardest work.

That is, love is not good.

And the easiest act is done by the lazy;

Act of love even if it is not good.

I sat in front of the mirror for ten minutes.

See you later......I'm just like me!

And you .... I have changed! A crazy one

Wife: How was the cooking? Husband: Awesome!

Wife: But the son said it was not good!

Husband: Actually she is not married.

So he does not know what to say!

In all respects, the poor husband is much less intelligent than the wife.

No matter how great an intellectual he is, he is nothing to his wife.

Intelligence is a very small thing, wives can understand the husband's mind.

Not only this, in most cases wives can predict their husband's next move.

The emotions of this city do not reach the Meghed post office.

Before that, the sky was stolen.

Laughter is buried in heavy sighs,

Dirty desires are tied to the knot of society.

If feeling your emptiness is love.

But I love you so much.

If your negligence is to drive me away.

But I will keep my distance.

Sometimes you have to keep your mouth shut.

You have to bow your proud head and admit that you are wrong.

It means you are defeated.

It means you are mature and in the end

It is determined to make sacrifices to smile the smile of victory.

The person who has developed the habit of keeping himself alone, being alone.

The fear of being alone again would never consume him again.

Because once one learns to be alone,

Nothing in the world can make him alone!

Two types of people love me.

The one who loved so much and who could never be mine.

The second that loved me

But I could never be his,

The last sheep, I couldn't be someone, someone could be me.

Some people will come into your life not to love you,

When you prepare yourself to pack your loneliness,

I won't remember you then.

So, don't give your full trust,

Have some faith in yourself!

We may not cry because of some trauma!

But the earthquake without the signal of disaster in the depths of the heart,

Floods like cyclones or tsunamis happen in moments.

Maybe we don't tell anyone,

But the limitless disasters of all the pain that is felt!

Some illusions cherished deep in the heart,

Many suffer in silence in the path of life.

This is like peace in the life of a moment of unequaled sacrifice.... !!

Stupid people are always stupid in every way.

Same goes for love.

Can't hold with love,

Can't push someone away with love.

Admitting negligence while increasing importance in love,

Otherwise, if you increase the distance, you will get contempt.

Both of them are called fools.

Nobody in this city.

Yet why should the eyes look,

Strange all dreams filled with water?

Even if you don't say anything in your mouth, how many words accumulate in your mind!

So much pain in the sternum! If someone had told him...

Knowingly, it is easy to induce loneliness.

But it is difficult to bear the burden.

Moments will pass, people will change.

Shame will remain quietly dead.

Mistakes will happen again, people will be erased from recognition as much praise,

How care! Accused identity hanging.

Wait, for yourself. Repent, for yourself.

Give yourself time, practice yourself.

Love yourself, take care, yourself.

In the century that people only complain to each other,

There, love is actually a disease.

Thanks for reading the article.
     Thanks to:------
     Mowdud Ahmed Modhu


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